There is an endless supply of do-it-yourself tax preparation tools and websites, and the sheer volume of options can lead you to believe the process of filing your returns is simple. However, a DIY approach only works if you are satisfied with paying more than necessary. Tax preparation software handles all of the basics, importing income and considering common tax deductions. Unfortunately, when it comes to careful application of less-common tax-reduction techniques, these programs simply can’t compete with a skilled tax professional.
As you know from your experience in business settings, companies that focus on their core mission are more successful. Devoting internal resources to creating excellent products and services, while outsourcing peripheral functions like IT and HR, makes it possible to innovate and deliver best-in-class solutions.
Focusing on your core mission is just as critical when it comes to tax preparation. The time you would spend trying to track down tax information is better applied elsewhere, and you are likely to pay more in the end anyway. These are five ways your accountant will free up resources for you to use in ways that will further your personal mission:
Get the right accountant for all of your tax planning needs by working with a Certified Tax Coach (CTC).