Quick Tips for Tax Savings: Physician Edition

Doctors offer critical services to the community through prevention and treatment of health issues. However, getting the necessary education and experience can be challenging - both physically and financially. In an effort to make life a bit easier for physicians, lawmakers have put together a variety of programs to reduce tax liability for doctors. Maximizing these opportunities in combination with other tax-reduction strategies can dramatically increase the rewards of working as a healthcare provider.

Small Changes Add Up to Big Savings

It may not be possible to implement all available tax savings strategies at once, but making small changes in managing your practice quickly adds up. Over time, continue to add layers of savings by implementing additional strategies. Before long, you will see your tax bill go down, even when your income is going up.

The Case for Specialized Financial Professionals

Free and low-cost budgeting and financial planning tools are great for those with basic financial situations. However, your position as a practicing physician is too complex for these platforms. Enlist a team of professionals with specific experience in tax issues that affect health care providers. Not only will they help you save your money more effectively – they will also assist you in planning major purchases to minimize tax expenses. Long-term, you are likely to realize a significant return on this investment.

Common Deductions You Probably Aren’t Maximizing

Though you are already aware of many deductions available to you, it is likely that you are not yet getting the maximum tax savings you are entitled to. For example, continuing education expenses, depreciation of your medical equipment, and student loan interest are frequently underreported on physicians’ tax returns. Your Certified Tax Coach can guide you through the nuances of these deductions, as well as the specific opportunities available to medical professionals.

The Benefits of Better Record-Keeping Whether you work for yourself or you are employed by a larger healthcare organization, you are always moving at a rapid pace. For many physicians, that means letting the little things slide. While you always meticulously update your patients’ records, you are probably less careful about recording your expenses. Over the course of a year, these small charges add up, and you could be missing out on significant tax savings for want of a few receipts. Make financial record-keeping a priority, and you will notice a difference in your year-end tax bill.

Be Ready for Retirement

Paying off your student loans often takes precedence over saving for retirement – especially when you are just starting out in your career. However, contributing to your retirement accounts now has across-the-board benefits for your current and future financial state. The funds you deposit are given special tax-advantaged status, and when you contribute regularly over a long period of time, you are better able to ride out the ups and downs of the market.

For more information on tax-saving opportunities specifically impacting physicians, please contact a Certified Tax Coach (CTC).